AI - Direct Selling News The News You Need. The Name You Trust. Fri, 26 Jan 2024 22:29:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 AI - Direct Selling News 32 32 Magic Mirror Fri, 26 Jan 2024 22:28:52 +0000 AI-powered virtual product try-on experiences continue to revolutionize online and in-person retail experiences, offering convenience and personalization. These “virtual fitting rooms” have the potential to not only enhance customer engagement but also reduce return rates and increase sales. Some direct selling makeup companies are already using forms of this experience while others are considering incorporating it for branded swag.

The post Magic Mirror first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Virtual product try-on experiences drive customer decisions.

These “virtual fitting rooms” have the potential to not only enhance customer engagement but also reduce return rates and increase sales.


AI-powered virtual product try-on experiences continue to revolutionize online and in-person retail experiences, offering convenience and personalization. These “virtual fitting rooms” have the potential to not only enhance customer engagement but also reduce return rates and increase sales. Some direct selling makeup companies are already using forms of this experience while others are considering incorporating it for branded swag.


MadaLuxe Group has introduced Zelig, an AI-powered virtual try-on and styling platform. The technology allows users to visualize how clothes, shoes and accessories would look on their body type by uploading a photo. The system also uses machine learning and computer vision allowing users to create different outfit combinations, save and share them before buying.

Despite the concept of virtual try-on not being new, with companies like Walmart, Google and Amazon investing in similar technology, Zelig claims to offer a “hyper-personalized online shopping experience.” It aims to replicate the experience of trying on clothes at a retail store.

The co-founders have invested privately in Zelig for three years, but they recently secured $15 million in Series A funding led by Hilco Global, valuing the pre-revenue company at $100 million. The funds will be used to enhance its personalization capabilities and develop additional features. While no brands were announced at the launch of Zelig, the association with MadaLuxe suggests potential future partnerships with high-end brands.

Google AR Beauty

Google has launched AR Beauty Ads, a new ad format that enables virtual try-on experiences for cosmetic products. The tool will replace the standard product image in Google Shopping ads and allow users to preview what different products might look like on them or a model. The ads will appear on mobile-specific channels including Google’s Shopping tab, Search and Google Images.

The launch of AR Beauty Ads reflects the tech industry’s increasing faith in AR as a potent marketing tool. Companies like Meta and Snapchat have already integrated AR ads into their platforms, and Google’s move is a continuation of its AR experimentation started with YouTube display ads in 2019.

Data from Shopify indicates that AR ads often outperform display ads, with 3D AR ads generating 94 percent higher conversion rates than their static 2D counterparts. Findings from Snap and Deloitte suggest brands offering AR experiences are 41 percent more likely to be considered by customers, and nearly three in four shoppers are willing to pay more for a product they can explore with AR.

Google’s own experiment with VR ads in 2019 resulted in almost a third of viewers spending more than 80 seconds trying on lipstick. The company claims that users who interact with virtual try-on tools on Google Search are more likely to spend time on a brand’s site; research a product; or make a purchase. By 2025, global AR ad revenue is projected to grow to $6.68 billion, up from $1.36 billion in 2020.

From the January/February 2024 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post Magic Mirror first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Picture This Sun, 21 Jan 2024 04:33:16 +0000 Effective New AI-powered tools evolve image and video creation. Learn about AI Animation Trends, D-ID (the Tel Aviv-based startup known for its AI video technology) and Picsart Ignite (a set of AI-powered photo editing tools designed to simplify creating ads, social posts, logos and more).

The post Picture This first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Effective New AI-powered tools evolve image and video creation.

D-ID, the Tel Aviv-based startup known for its AI video technology that animates still images, has released a new mobile app that could be a powerful tool for both direct selling corporate teams and the distributor field. Previously available only as a web platform, D-ID’s Creative Reality Studio allows users to turn a still image and script into an AI-generated video, creating digital avatars of themselves, historical figures or fictional characters.

The app, now available on the App Store and Google Play, allows users to either select a premade “digital person” provided by D-ID or upload an image from their phone’s photo library. Users can then input text for the digital avatar to say in one of 119 languages, with options for male or female voices and various speech tones.

The technology behind D-ID combines proprietary and open-source AI technologies. “At its core lies a foundational model capable of generating video frames based on audio input,” said D-ID CEO Gil Perry. The company’s products all use an API capable of rendering video at an industry-leading 100 FPS, four times faster than real-time rendering.

The app is designed for anyone interested in creating videos with digital avatars, offering the ability to produce videos anywhere. Videos can be up to 10 minutes long and are subject to moderation policies to prevent misuse for deepfakes or disinformation campaigns.

Before the mobile launch, the desktop version of Creative Reality Studio gained 60,000 new sign-ups daily, with over 150 million videos made using the platform. The mobile version aims to reach a broader market, including mobile-first or mobile-only users. It will be subscription-based, with existing desktop version subscribers able to keep their current plans.

Picsart Ignites Creativity

The photo-editing startup Picsart has launched Picsart Ignite, a set of AI-powered photo editing tools designed to simplify creating ads, social posts, logos and more. This suite includes 20 tools for generating videos, images, GIFs, logos, backgrounds, QR codes and stickers. New features include AI Expand that allows additional details to be added to any image using AI prompts as well as AI Object Remove in Video for removing unwanted objects from videos. The “AI Style Transfer” feature lets users apply artistic styles across visuals, and “AI Avatar” generates realistic avatars for business portraits. Picsart Ignite is available to all users across Picsart web, iOS and Android.

Hovhannes Avoyan, Founder and CEO of Picsart, said, “We believe that everyone is a creator. Our editing experience reflects this philosophy by providing users with powerful, yet fun and easy-to-use tools to express their unique visions. We developed these features to ignite creativity and enable users to turn their ideas into stunning visual content.”

This launch comes as platforms of all sizes are incorporating AI tools into their services. Picsart has also recently focused on social collaboration, launching in-app communities called “Spaces” where users can connect and create around topics they love.

4 Evolving AI Animation Trends

1 / Finishing Fast

AI is revolutionizing the animation industry by using algorithms and neural networks to create animations that mimic human-created content, eliminating the need for laborious and time-consuming manual drawing.

2 / Highly Personalized Storylines

AI is set to revolutionize the future of animation by creating personalized narratives that adjust in real-time to each viewer’s preferences, fostering a deeper emotional connection through tailored character interactions, plot twists and visual aesthetics.

3 / AI-Generated Story Concepts

AI’s capability to analyze viewer engagement data and large-scale narrative patterns will soon allow it to collaborate with human authors to create innovative, personalized animated series like Mighty Raju and Super Bheem that deeply resonate with viewers.

4 / Improved Creativity and Exploration

AI aids writers in generating innovative content by analyzing extensive data on user preferences, interests and activities.

Source: Green Gold Animation, LinkedIn

From the January/February 2024 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post Picture This first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Give Yourself the AI Edge Fri, 01 Dec 2023 17:39:45 +0000 There are few innovations that rival the potential impact of budding Artificial Intelligence (AI). In the same way the internet upended everyday communications and ultimately became the shared platform for everything from shopping to entertainment, AI is now poised to shift the traditional paradigms that leaders depend on to succeed in business.

The post Give Yourself the AI Edge first appeared on Direct Selling News.

The Potential & Pitfalls of Artificial Intelligence

There are few innovations that rival the potential impact of budding Artificial Intelligence (AI). In the same way the internet upended everyday communications and ultimately became the shared platform for everything from shopping to entertainment, AI is now poised to shift the traditional paradigms that leaders depend on to succeed in business.

Multiracial business people working

Machine learning and AI improve and develop exponentially faster than any analog or human-driven technology could, so understanding AI means leaving room for relentless advances, changes and new offerings. This is the undeniable challenge that most leaders have become accustomed to when it comes to implementing new tech. It is constantly reinventing itself. With AI, however, this evolutionary process is supercharged. New apps, platforms and tools emerge weekly, daily, even hourly, as this trailblazing technology builds upon itself.

Change like this typically solicits two reactions—acceptance or rejection. While some executives see AI as jet fuel for the engine of their business that can propel them further, faster, others may see it as exciting but scary—something that is to be feared until we know how to better control it.

An argument could be made for both of these responses. But the truth is, most people are already utilizing and relying on AI without even realizing it. Siri schedules our appointments; Netflix learns whether we like rom coms or horror movies; Waze keeps us from getting lost; and our Apple Watches keep track of our steps. The forward motion of this technology is already in place. Regardless of whether leaders within the direct selling industry choose to embrace AI or not, an undeniable movement is underway. From this point on, AI will bring a competitive edge that simply can’t be replicated through traditional practices. The remaining time direct selling companies can stay relevant and competitive without AI is dwindling.

The only remaining question is how long will you wait?

It’s Not Too Late

Technology moves so quickly that it can be easy to feel behind. The good news is that the experts in this field are not lightyears ahead of everyone else. The technology is so new and fresh that the learning curve is still solidly in place.

More than that, expertise in this field isn’t necessarily the goal. Leaders don’t need to become savants in AI and its many iterations. They simply need to adopt a few simple ways to wield it and let the technology do the work for them. There is no need to know the nuts and bolts behind every platform.

There is growing concern that implementing AI will eliminate jobs and downsize employment opportunities. But Blake Mallen, Billion-Dollar Brand Builder and Host of DSN’s Direct Selling SHIFT Podcast, believes that instead of replacing humans, AI is a toolbox that can be used instead to inspire and equip the team members already in place in a way that amplifies their natural gifts while minimizing the impact of tedious tasks that slow down progress.

“AI is really practical; ridiculously low cost; and highly effective,” Mallen said. “We’re at a time when we can give our team what feels like superpowers.”

What AI Can (and Can’t) Do

Typically, when new technology breaks onto the scene, companies need a dedicated staff member who can gain expertise in that field, and then bring accommodations to the organization in a way that makes sense for the business as a whole. With this next generation of AI, that learning gap has been eliminated.

“Now there’s no-code tools,” shared Brandon White, AI expert and File Finder Founder and CEO. “That means they have written an interface that you can interact with on top of the actual technology, and what that allows you to do is basically use AI tools like you would a browser or a word processor.”

This user-friendly format doesn’t mean that AI doesn’t require supervision. ChatGPT, for instance, is a language model that pulls from pre-existing information online to provide responses. That can be incredibly resourceful—as long as it’s building answers based on correct information, rather than corrupt sources. There is still the need for a strong human component within this artificial world.

For now, AI particularly shines when it comes to customer service, data analytics and work flow automation, but the niche is rapidly evolving. New companies and platforms are popping up every single day that are utilizing the power of GPT-4 to pre-write prompts for users that will provide the results they are looking for.

All of these AI tools can save time, meet a tailored set of needs and deliver output far beyond the norm for capacity—as long as leaders lean into strategy first before rushing into total AI adoption.

“Identify the problems in your business first,” White said. “Don’t try to take AI and stick it in your business. Figure out where your problems are today, and then see if AI can fix those.”

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AI Success Stories

eXp Realty Founder and CEO Glenn Sanford was one of the first executives within the direct selling industry to leverage the power of AI, describing his strategy approach as being “obsessed with the future to improve the present.” From the company’s virtual eXp World, which gives agents and employees their own avatars that can interact and attend meetings in a virtual campus, to its latest model, Luna, which leverages GPT-4 to assist agents with daily tasks; provide 24/7 tech support; and create brand compliant content generation, eXp is heavily focused on how AI can be used to free up agents’ time to focus on the most critical tasks in their businesses.

“Luna is just our first step toward using AI to empower agents,” Sanford said. “We believe that AI can be used in the metaverse to increase productivity and cultivate creativity. Looking forward, we have AI tools coming out in Frame for meeting summaries, surfacing relevant content during conversations and even improving accessibility for hearing- and sight-impaired users.”

High-performing entrepreneurs looking for their next venture already know the power of AI. Companies looking to attract these momentum builders embrace the robotic prowess of AI that allows users to scale quicker than would be possible without the propulsion of this technology to support them. There seems to be no limit to the potential and possibilities that AI presents the business world, but White wants leaders to remain optimistically aware of the pitfalls and shortcomings this technology presents.

“A word of caution,” White explained. “Unless you are running your own AI large-language model internally, be careful about putting your data into the AI system. The back end to these tools is ChatGPT, and if you read the fine print, it is sending that data back into their engine, which means your competitors can use that information. So, you do want to be careful. If there’s sensitive information, you do not want to put it into these engines.”

There’s an AI for That

Blake Mallen recommends 8 AI tools that take the heavy lifting out of everyday business tasks.
Zoom and Meeting Note Taker
Voice-to-text transcription software that uses AI to turn voice conversations into searchable and shareable notes.
Try it >
Keep track of meetings without writing a word, then receive an actionable to-do list that can be sent to attendees. Take a picture of a whiteboard or presentation slide at an event during a recording, and it will insert it in line with the post-meeting transcript.

Content Creation and Automation

AI language model that generates content that mimics human-like text responses.
Try it >
Reply to customer questions across social media; convert customers with generated emails that increase click-through rates; develop personalized training materials and scripts; and enhance customer service with a 24/7 customer support messaging platform.

Video Creation

Create videos using a library of AI avatars that support lip-syncing in more than 20 languages.
Try it >
Unleash a custom avatar complete with cloned voices; create a talking photo using only a portrait and text; produce studio-quality voiceovers.

Social Media Simplified

Automate social media plans based on measurable analytics.
Try it >
Identify and analyze social metrics; streamline posting across all social platforms; enable content planning; monitor what content is getting the most traction; and manage ads.

Content and Competitor Research Platform

Find the best-performing content, viral posts and top influencers online.
Try it >
Research high-performing content, study trends, determine what content works and generate content ideas.

Chat Marketing

Drive sales even while on autopilot.
Try it >
Capture interested leads; drive sales and conversations online; automatically add customer contact info to a company database; engage with and attract customers.

How-To Guide Creator

Automatically document processes into a step-by-step interactive walkthrough.
Try it >
Document and create step-by-step tutorials, then share with a link or export by pdf.

Flawless Presentations Fast

A fresh take on slide presentation preparation with user-friendly design.
Try it >
Create dynamic and visually appealing presentations without having to focus on formatting; utilize nested cards, publishing and analytics to engage with the audience; and add embedded GIFs, videos, charts and websites to documents, slide decks and webpages.

From the December 2023 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post Give Yourself the AI Edge first appeared on Direct Selling News.

New Realms of Reality Fri, 27 Oct 2023 16:43:44 +0000 In the realm of video marketing, AR and VR videos have emerged as powerful tools to create immersive experiences and captivate viewers at a new level. They transport viewers into a virtual world and provide interactive and personalized experiences. These technologies are constantly in flux, so keeping up with how they are evolving business and customer interaction is key. Here are five AR/VR video marketing applications to consider leveraging.

The post New Realms of Reality first appeared on Direct Selling News.

5 Hot Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Video Applications

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies are transforming the way businesses engage with their customers. In the realm of video marketing, AR and VR videos have emerged as powerful tools to create immersive experiences and captivate viewers at a new level. They transport viewers into a virtual world and provide interactive and personalized experiences. These technologies are constantly in flux, so keeping up with how they are evolving business and customer interaction is key. Here are five AR/VR video marketing applications to consider leveraging.

1/ Immersive Experiences

AR/VR videos offer a unique opportunity for businesses to transport viewers into a virtual world, allowing them to experience products, services or virtual tours in a more realistic and memorable way. Businesses can go beyond traditional video content and create interactive experiences blending physical and virtual worlds.

Car manufacturers use AR/VR for virtual test drives, allowing potential buyers to explore features and putting them in the driver’s seat without ever leaving their homes. This experience fuels curiosity and offers a unique way for customers to visualize themselves interacting with the product.

2/ Enhanced Customer Engagement

Traditional video marketing often struggles to capture and retain viewers’ attention. However, AR/VR videos have the power to captivate audiences by offering a more interactive and engaging experience. Viewers are active participants rather than passive observers, resulting in increased engagement and longer interaction times. Companies can let customers try on clothing and makeup or visualize furniture in their own space. This interactivity helps customers make more informed decisions and helps reduce hesitation.

Brand new Nike Air Jordan sport shoe.
3/ Amplified Brand Awareness

AR/VR videos provide businesses with a cutting-edge approach to stand out from the competition and create a lasting impression on their target audience. By incorporating these technologies into their marketing strategies, brands can show they are innovative and forward-thinking. AR/VR videos attract attention and generate buzz, leading to increased brand visibility and awareness.

When customers have a memorable and immersive experience with a brand, they are more likely to share it with their networks, amplifying the brand’s reach and potentially attracting new customers. A Nike’s AR sneaker campaign involving dance artists allowed customers to preview shoes. It generated 32 percent more sales of the shoe model and 22 percent more visitors to the website during the AR experience.

4/ Personalized and Targeted Experiences

AR/VR technology allows businesses to deliver personalized experiences tailored to each viewer’s preferences and interests. By collecting data on viewer behavior and preferences, businesses can create customized AR/VR videos that cater to individual needs. For instance, a travel agency can use VR to offer personalized virtual tours based on a customer’s travel preferences or showcase specific destinations they are interested in. Events can be previewed by immersing yourself in the experience from a specific perspective.

5/ Measurable Results and Improved ROI

Texting may seem impersonal, but it’s being used for building customer relationships with its potential for two-way conversations. It’s often faster and more convenient than calls or online chats. There’s no hold time or waiting to receive a response. The overall experience matches today’s customer expectation.

From the October 2023 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post New Realms of Reality first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Going Global Fri, 20 Oct 2023 16:42:09 +0000 Taking a brand international is a big step for any company. New markets mean new customers, expanded audiences and unique opportunities to try out products that might not be a fit for the original hometown fans. Not to mention, exposure to new cultures and ways of life can be inspirational for product development teams eager to serve the needs and wants of new demographics. Gaining ground internationally can add revenue and stockholder value and build traction abroad that can bolster the domestic team when sales at home turn stagnant.

The post Going Global first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Crowd of people walking on the shopping street.

Identifying and understanding market opportunities around the world.

Taking a brand international is a big step for any company. New markets mean new customers, expanded audiences and unique opportunities to try out products that might not be a fit for the original hometown fans. Not to mention, exposure to new cultures and ways of life can be inspirational for product development teams eager to serve the needs and wants of new demographics. Gaining ground internationally can add revenue and stockholder value and build traction abroad that can bolster the domestic team when sales at home turn stagnant. These benefits come at a steep cost, however, for brands who don’t do their homework.

“You really only get one chance to launch a market,” said Wayne Moorehead, marketing expert and host of DSN’s Direct Approach Podcast. “If you don’t launch it right, a lot of times you can’t swing back around to fix it. You have to walk away for a while and let the dust settle.”

Ex-Pats Provide Added Value

Building a global brand name that carries an honorable reputation and a healthy balance sheet requires commitment, staying power and an understanding of the unique expectations and regulations within each country and specific region. What’s more, brands need to have an appreciation and respect for the local culture and take into account how their presence could have a positive or negative impact on the people there. That means investing in local talent who can serve as a boots-on-the-ground guide for the home office, while also skillfully leading the international headquarters.

doTERRA Chief Executive Officer Cory Lindley points to the importance of having a home office leadership presence in newly planted markets to synthesize the brand’s mission and values with the needs and ideas of international satellite locations. This is a vital component to a healthy international launch. Investing in an ex-pat is an expense that many companies tend to shy away from, Lindley says, but sending them to help launch the brand abroad, then supporting them when they repatriate, is a key component to doTERRA’s global expansion success.

“Now, our office back here at corporate after 15 years is full of people who have lived and worked in various markets around the world and who understand the cultural sensitivities and how to support those markets,” he said.

Five Global Market Opportunities

As executives consider making the leap into new international markets, Direct Selling News considered five regions—North America, South America, Africa, Asia and Europe—to assess the opportunities and challenges presented in each, taking into account the trends, dynamics and statistics provided by the 2022 World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA) annual publication.

1 / North America

The United States continues to be the largest direct selling market opportunity in the world. Last year, direct selling in the US brought in sales exceeding $40 billion, an amount that represented almost two-thirds (62%) of all sales in both North and South America combined and just shy of a quarter (23%) of sales worldwide.

For companies founded in the US, having a healthy customer base domestically may seem obvious, but it is an essential ingredient to an international strategy.

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“You need to have a strong US presence,” Lindley said. “So many companies run international before they’ve really strengthened their home market presence. You have to be successful in your home market. doTERRA operates around the globe, but the US is still by far our largest market and twice as big as any international market for us.”

In Canada, where revenues reached $2.5 billion in 2022, the opportunity is similarly inviting and one that Direct Selling Association (DSA) Canada President Peter Maddox describes as very similar to the US.

“Canada is a consistent and strongly performing direct selling opportunity and will reward companies that prepare well and operate ethically,” Maddox explained. “As with many other markets around the world, Canadians are seeking extra income to counter the effects of high interest rates, high inflation and stagnating wages—direct selling is perfectly positioned to capitalize on this need.”

The Canadian market has a relatively high regulatory requirement, and Maddox cautions leaders to pre-plan their entry and to tap into local expertise to avoid pitfalls, including the complex logistics of serving a relatively small population (40 million people) across a vast landmass.

In 2024, Maddox predicts Canadians will be eager to embrace the use of video live shopping tools and affiliate and influencer programs, but advises US companies against the temptation to copy and paste their product lines into a Canadian launch.

“Although there are similar tastes and expectations, entering Canada with the same products and marketing as those utilized in the US rarely works well,” Maddox said. “Some level of Canadian-ization is recommended.”

Happy girls having fun drinking cocktails at bar on the beach
2 / South America

As in the US and many other markets, ecommerce giants like Amazon (Mercado Livre) have provided significant competition for independent distributors in South America, resulting in flat sales for Brazil, the second-largest market in the Americas.

There were standout countries, like Argentina, a region that saw a 58 percent increase in 2022 over 2021. This boost must be tempered, however, with the fact that inflation in the area was near 100 percent as well. Colombia, Peru and Argentina all saw sales exceeding $1 billion and local experts say that distributors who are willing to branch out into relying on digital tools and embrace a new way of reaching audiences will see more success than those who do not. Similarly, companies who support their distributors through smart supply chain management and on-time product delivery fare far better than competitors who put this region on the back burner.

3 / Europe

For companies looking to establish or grow their presence in Europe, Jerome Freytag, a consultant for direct selling companies in Europe, says France should be the most logical next step. Although the country holds a complex regulatory environment, France’s legal ecosystem is generally favorable toward direct selling, and the DSA in France (Federation de la Vente Directe, or FVD) is a powerful resource for newcomers.

Couple of tourist on vacation in Rome

“France has the strongest DSA in the world, with 130 members,” Freytag said. “It is a great place to share best practices and learn fast. The team at FVD do a fantastic job promoting the industry.”

There are a number of peculiarities about working in the direct spelling space in France, including the requirement of a specific status called Vendeur à Domicile Indépendant, or VDI, which requires direct selling companies to be in charge of applicable tax withholdings for their independent contractors. But even this complexity has a benefit in that it is an attractive recruiting tool.

“While French direct selling companies attract a lot of distributors, they are immature on numerous aspects,” he said. “Companies from abroad will likely outperform them.”

As for what products are expected to be hot in France in 2024, Freytag says travel services, CBD-infused products and nail art top the list.

Two japanese women around in Tokyo during daytime.
4 / Asia

The Asia Pacific region is a billion-dollar market powerhouse, boasting almost half of all billion-dollar markets in the world. Overall, this region saw estimated retail sales of $71.5 billion in 2022, of which South Korea and China make up a significant portion.

“Asia is a significant part of our business currently and will continue to be a growing part of our strategy moving forward. Asia remains one of the most robust and fastest growing regions in the world for direct selling. We plan to continue to play a big part in this growth,” shared Rod Taylor, CEO of New Image International.

These markets are not without challenges and the lingering effects of the pandemic and government-enforced lockdowns led to eight of the region’s markets to decline last year. China, in particular, saw an eight percent decline last year, with retail sales reaching $15.8 billion.

5 / Africa

While the continent of Africa is not home to any billion-dollar markets, overall, Africa and the Middle East experienced retail sales of $1.4 billion dollars. The last few years have been difficult for the region and sales were down by 13.3 percent, but local experts believe the horizon for the region is full of opportunity.

“Direct selling is still relatively new in the African market,” said Vivian Mokome, entrepreneur, founder and global speaker in South Africa. “It is only now that people are slowly warming up to the business model. We now have numbers that show the model works, and Africans are generally aggressive when it comes to an idea that is working.”

Mokome points to Nigeria and South Africa as being particularly receptive to the direct selling opportunity, and products in the categories of skin care and weight loss are moving well. The challenge in this region has more to do with logistics, customs and shipping issues creating significant road blocks. Once established, however, these obstacles subside.

“The regulations are not as strict in comparison with Europe and America,” Mokome said. “And we have numbers here: six out of ten people are living in poverty. Young people are unemployed and looking for job opportunities. Direct selling is a real option for them.”

AI-Powered Launches

Getting the details right can sound daunting, and while an international branch is not a project to take on lightly, there are new digital hacks that can help lower cost and risk. With AI-powered technology, executives can discern potential target audiences, key marketing strategies and product categories that might be trending in an international area. One quick search in ChatGPT can generate product pitches in a brand-specific voice translated for international markets or deliver information regarding regulatory laws in unfamiliar regions.

For instance, a ChatGPT search asking if CBD products would sell well in South Korea returns information about stringent laws surrounding the level of THC in products; import/export regulations; and important licenses and permits necessary for distributors. In one minute, executives have crucial information about the barriers to entry for free. Add to that AI-backed resources like Craiyon, a free AI image generator, and executives can create stock imagery for international markets without ever leaving the home office.

International Staying Power

Every unique culture deserves its own customized launch, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach or guidebook for opening up in a new market. That’s why it’s critical to make the effort beforehand to understand the nuances of a location before making the leap. And while AI can smooth that process and even make it more cost-effective, there are no shortcuts for long-term commitments.

“A key element for us to be able to succeed globally is that we take a long-term approach,” Lindley said. “We’re not the same level of success in every market around the world, but once we enter, we’re there for the long-term. I think that’s the attitude you need to take. Are you ready to stand behind this for the long-term? If not, you really shouldn’t be going to that market.”

From the October 2023 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post Going Global first appeared on Direct Selling News.

At Your Service Fri, 22 Sep 2023 17:27:20 +0000 The online shopping experience continues to evolve rapidly, and staying on top of effective trends is crucial to understanding what consumers expect and need. Aggregated products, review summaries and the ability to quickly compare details are all being streamlined.

The post At Your Service first appeared on Direct Selling News.

How AI-powered shopping next levels the customized experience.

The online shopping experience continues to evolve rapidly, and staying on top of effective trends is crucial to understanding what consumers expect and need. Aggregated products, review summaries and the ability to quickly compare details are all being streamlined.

Microsoft has introduced a range of AI-powered shopping tools to enhance the shopping experience for consumers using the new Bing search engine and Bing AI chatbot in the Edge sidebar. One of the key features is the automatic aggregation of products within each category. Users can effortlessly compare similar items and review product specifications, facilitating customized buying guides.

The tools provide direct information on where to buy, with Microsoft earning an affiliate fee for each transaction. While this evolution could streamline the search and shop experience, it could negatively impact independent editorial content and affiliate marketing and avenues such as blogs and review sites.

“What do those mean for shoppers? Saving time, saving money and easily finding products you might not have known you needed,” noted an article on ZDNet. “Previously, searching a general term like ‘work from home supplies’ would bring up links to already published online guides. But with this new feature, Microsoft’s AI will compile a list of things a remote worker might use; compare similar products and models; and give details and pricing on those products.”

The AI-generated review summaries condense online product reviews, so users don’t have to wade through lists of irrelevant reviews. With a simple query to Bing Chat in Edge, users can obtain valuable insights from consumer sentiments. Price Match is another powerful new tool allowing users to request price matches, even after prices drop. The list of collaborating retailers is set to expand over time.

The Shop app by Shopify has an AI-powered chat-based feature ( that helps users find products, answers questions and even presents frequently asked questions to help users determine the specific products and solutions they’re looking for.

For example, when searching for a “greens supplement,” the app presents three options with brief descriptions and purchasing links with product images. It also asks follow-up questions users can click on such as “Which greens supplement has the most nutrients?” then recommends a product with a brief description. The experience feels like a personalized assistant helping users focus on their unique needs and questions without pushing irrelevant products. The feeling of having a conversation is key.

“AI-powered conversational commerce aims to further personalize the shopping experience,” shared an article by VentureBeat. “With access to a wealth of data, AI assistants can learn about a customer’s preferences, making it easier to find products that they will love. Such personalization is limited with traditional ecommerce platforms, which rely on generic product recommendations.”

This chat-based shopping is referred to as Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and even mimics a customer’s tone or speaking pattern. Combing augmented reality and virtual reality in the near future could humanize the experience even more.

“Together, these technologies can trick your eyes, ears and brains into believing that you’re standing right next to that shopping assistant, or even your favorite celebrity, talking about things to buy or not,” said Gupshup CEO Beerud Sheth in the VentureBeat article. “Going shopping with friends will have a whole new meaning when those ‘friends’ are virtual shopping agents.”

From the September 2023 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post At Your Service first appeared on Direct Selling News.

16 AI Tools to Consider Wed, 05 Jul 2023 03:03:02 +0000 A list of highly recommended AI Tools from experts, direct selling executives, and corporate teams across the channel.

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A list of highly recommended AI Tools from experts, direct selling executives, and corporate teams across the channel.

Al is exciting, confusing and if we’re being candid—it can be unsettling at times. In a recent survey conducted by DSN, 50 direct selling companies shared their thoughts on Al in their business.

We’d love to know what Al tools are game‑changers for you and your team right now. Email or text us at 469.971.3845 to share what Al tools are making a mark in your organization.

The post 16 AI Tools to Consider first appeared on Direct Selling News.

eXp Realty Launches AI Support Chatbot Thu, 08 Jun 2023 19:12:03 +0000 eXp Realty debuted Luna, its AI support chatbot powered by ChatGPT and GPT-4. Luna is available to assist agents with tasks, answer questions and provide support for things like generating reports and setting appointments.

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eXp Realty debuted Luna, its AI support chatbot powered by ChatGPT and GPT-4. Luna is available to assist agents with tasks, answer questions and provide support for things like generating reports and setting appointments. AI is now also being incorporated into the company’s web-based metaverse platform, which uses AI-based content generation tools to help increase productivity and customize the metaverse experience. 

The company also plans to leverage AI to improve accessibility for deaf or blind users and provide tools that will enhance meeting values by surfacing relevant content during conversations. 

“Luna is our first step toward using AI to empower agents,” said Glenn Sanford, founder and CEO of eXp Realty. “We created Luna in direct response to our agent NPS feedback. We hear from agents all the time that this business is 24/7, so this is another way to provide support in a way that helps drive our agents’ businesses.” 

The post eXp Realty Launches AI Support Chatbot  first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Can Direct Selling Adapt? Tue, 09 May 2023 20:01:24 +0000 How should direct sellers evolve to compete in the New Economy of the 2020s? The answers to the questions are at once simpler and more complex than most people think.

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Obstacles in the New Economy & How to Beat Them

Direct selling is at a serious inflection point. With the triple threat of inflation, post-pandemic malaise, and the invasion of Ukraine continuing to burden sales for industry leaders, companies must ask themselves: how have distributor and consumer desires, expectations, and behaviors changed? Many direct selling companies have made the mistake of focusing on their processes, operations, and business results without considering the psychologies and behaviors of distributors and end consumers.

What can direct selling companies today do to account for these changes? How should direct sellers evolve to compete in the New Economy of the 2020s? The answers to the questions are at once simpler and more complex than most people think.

1. Distributors Are Tired.

While direct selling is somewhat siloed off from the larger economy (due to the industry’s singular nature), still, it can’t help but be affected by some of the dominant trends in the workforce. Chief among them is the same sense of overwork that sparked, first, the Great Resignation, and second, “quiet quitting” in traditional organizations. 81%+ of the workforce as of last year felt overwhelmed, while threats of a recession looming will not have helped matters in 2023.

The story isn’t all that different in direct selling, where 2021, the latest year with conclusive data, showed a 5.2% decrease in direct selling distributors overall. At best, it seems that consultant turnover rates remained stagnant through 2022, with sales productivity not reaching the highs of the pandemic, when members of the field were stuck at home and more likely to spend more time on social business-building at a time when loneliness was rampant among older adults.

In addition, distributors have simple ways to earn money that in their eyes, might not require as much initial effort. They can sign up with a gig platform. They can create an eCommerce shop after registering with Etsy. They can find part-time or freelance work. How can direct selling persuade distributors to give it their “timeshare” in today’s marketplace? If the New Economy has been defined so far by trends like the Great Resignation and quiet quitting, direct selling decision-makers need a way around this.

Direct selling field operations cannot proceed as normal without enhancing reliability, capability, and ultimately sales performance at scale among field distributors. Leaders in field operations and sales must reconsider how they drive field efforts or risk further corporate downturns.

SOLUTION: Embrace digital transformation and the benefits of modern technology.

At a basic level, direct selling is at even more of a disadvantage than traditional companies here. Distributors are obviously not employees and cannot be compelled to perform or be productive. They must be subtly, continually persuaded to sell. And so the “tools” that direct sellers use to appeal to distributors take on outsize importance.

The “tools” that distributors have access to, the means by which they onboard, upskill, and sell to consumers, are the points of connection between the company and the distributor: they are the main hinge point that binds the company together with the individual. When distributors see the company’s tools as bare bones, their estimation of the company goes down. When distributors see the company’s tools as state-of-the-art, their estimation of the company goes up. We see this borne out at Rallyware, where we provide an all-in-one field Performance Enablement Platform for sales forces.

Last year direct selling companies, after adding “Incentives & Recognition” tools to their Distributor Experience (i.e., the set of tools the distributor has access to), saw a 3.4X average increase in user sessions, meaning that richer, smarter, more state-of-the-art tools–or points of connection–result in a more engaged, less “tired” field.

We’ll dive into this more later, because from this solution alone, it’s not clear what kinds of tools are useful for the New Economy.

2. Consumers Are More Cautious.

Today’s consumers have to navigate inflation, a more uncertain job market, and the pressures of interest rates, all at once. It makes sense, then, that consumer-facing industries like retail and direct selling have seen downturns even among leaders. Meanwhile, as of December 2022, consumer spending on services had jumped 8.7% year over year, reflecting a shift in priorities away from tangible goods.

So part of the reason why direct selling has seen flagging distributor enthusiasm is this–it’s just become harder to sell. It’s harder to get customers to part with their hard-earned money. This is particularly true in the wake of the pandemic, when many consumers were spending more freely and now are tightening their purse strings. How do direct sellers drive field sales performance and behaviors, and thus more revenue (as well as earnings for distributors themselves, encouraging them to stay in the field)?

Again, though this might seem to be a consumer-facing question, it really impacts field operations. A maximally empowered field will be able to convert more customers. Operations and sales leaders would do well to pay attention.

SOLUTION: Embrace digital technology that connects distributor activities to real, measurable sales results. and the achievement of distributor goals and corporate business outcomes, at every turn.

Many technological, distributor-facing platforms simply provide “onboarding tools” or “learning tools” to make these processes easier, “digitalizing” them. While such tools can be helpful, they do not quite meet the moment nor the market, which require field sales performance enablement at every turn. Largely, Rallyware’s “Performance Enablement” model of technology architecture has been built to address this reality.

Performance Enablement means that each action taken by a distributor gets leveraged intelligently by the platform to enable higher (sales) performance. Nothing happens in a vacuum. When the distributor gets recommended learning content, the platform intelligently calibrates the right content to company KPIs (does revenue need to rise? How about retention?) and the distributor’s self-defined goals and sales progress.

The result is not just a “learning journey.” It’s a business-building experience attuned to the shifting needs and goals of the distributor, with the aim of driving the sales performance and behaviors that will benefit her and the company. Learning becomes upskilling, the enhancement of field capabilities. What we see is knowledge for the sake of enablement.

The point here is that it’s not enough to digitalize field operations, but to digitally transform the field experience in a way that enables and prioritizes sales performance. This explains why we’ve calculated that direct selling companies on average +53% sales productivity growth via upskilling in the Performance Enablement model. Distributors become active salespersons, not just reps to be bought from.

3. Distributors Want Direct Selling Companies to Care About Them.

With a larger amount of direct selling companies competing for a smaller amount of distributors, organizations have to stand apart from the pack. Furthermore, consumers generally want brands to care about them, and there’s no reason why distributors shouldn’t feel this way as well: after all, logically speaking, they’re representing a brand, and they should feel connected to it. Distributors want a personalized experience with the direct selling brand they rep–that feeling of, “Oh, they know me.” Having this capability is at the very least a way for an organization to stand apart.

This is a tall ask at a time when companies are competing to see how much they can cut costs. Every week brings a fresh round of layoffs for major companies (Amazon, Meta, Disney, Lyft), and though that wave may not have hit direct selling yet, still there’s the imperative in an uncertain environment to slash expenses. Yet how can you invest in personalization and recognition for the field while trimming budgets?

Surprisingly, you can do both by digitally transforming field operations using the Performance Enablement model.

Solution: Embrace consolidation in digital transformation.

Tech consolidation helps you both cut expenses, by cutting out multiple vendors, and further personalize the distributor’s experience. At Rallyware, we’ve found that the Performance Enablement model for consolidating tech has borne fruit. Customers bring multiple tools under one umbrella, saving money and time spent on separate vendors.

At the same time, data from separate tools flow into the results and recommendations from the others. This leads to an optimally personalized experience, enabling the distributor for sales performance in the way that’s right for her. The business outcomes are significant and measurable. To be specific, on average, our internal research has found, direct sellers see 30.3% sales growth year-over-year when consolidating learning and rewards and recognition tools, versus customers who implement field enablement learning tools alone.

Further, as we discuss in our Performance Enablement Platform white paper, learning activities consolidated with business activities, smart notifications, and social features result in an average 38% increase in productivity.

Cutting costs while doing more with your technology sounds like a paradox, doesn’t it? It’s not, really. It’s simply what’s required to grow in, and transform field operations for, the distributor and consumer of the 2020s. And it’s what Performance Enablement technology is built to provide.

Finally, breakthrough technologies like an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chat Agent will help the distributor feel a connection with the brand, the company, and its products. In essence, this Chat Agent, as developed and exclusively provided by Rallyware, uses the latest advances in natural language processing to deliver an AI-enabled smart assistant to the distributor, answering her queries and showing her not only answers, but sales aids and suggestions to help her sales performance. With an easy-to-use, mobile smart assistant, the distributor feels cared for. She also feels: this company is on the cutting edge of technology. She trusts them.

Rallyware invests in, and delivers, major leaps forward in direct selling technologies. We’re transforming direct selling today with the tools and products of tomorrow. Accelerate your digital transformation and clear the competition. Request your demonstration today.

The post Can Direct Selling Adapt? first appeared on Direct Selling News.

ChatGPT is Here Fri, 14 Apr 2023 17:14:02 +0000 ChatGPT is a free simulated chatbot created by Open AI originally designed for customer service, but its uses have multiplied drastically since it launched in November of 2022.

The post ChatGPT is Here first appeared on Direct Selling News.

What it can (and can’t) do for the channel.

ChatGPT predicted the Philadelphia Eagles would defeat the San Francisco 49ers 27-10 in this year’s NFC Championship game. It was off by just seven total points, as the Eagles got the 31-7 win. So close!

The AI-powered program wasn’t designed to make sports prophecies, but it’s doing that and a whole lot more. Many experts say it’s in the early stages of disrupting many different industries—and it certainly could have an impact on direct selling.


What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a free simulated chatbot created by Open AI originally designed for customer service, but its uses have multiplied drastically since it launched in November of 2022. More than one million people registered within five days to use the tool, and for now its usage limit is routinely at capacity. The “GPT” stands for “Generative Pretrained Transformer.” The natural language processor results in a more conversational style. ChatGPT’s data sources include thousands of textbooks, websites and various articles.

In a broader category, ChatGPT is a form of Generative AI, which Tech Funnel describes as a form of AI that “generates new material, such as literature, graphics and music. These systems are built on massive datasets and produce fresh material comparable to the training examples using machine learning techniques.” Another one of Open AI’s generative programs called DALL-E can generate illustrations from text prompts.

Launching ChatGPT Plus

In early February, Open AI announced plans for ChatGPT Plus—a $20-per-month subscription option. Subscribers will get general access to ChatGPT (even during peak times), faster response times and priority access to new features and improvements. The subscription service is available to U.S. customers with plans to expand access to other countries, but the free access option will remain.

“We love our free users and will continue to offer free access to ChatGPT,” a company announcement said. “By offering this subscription pricing, we will be able to help support free access availability to as many people as possible.”

What Can ChatGPT Do?

Other than help you with sports betting, ChatGPT can essentially perform as a personal assistant, teacher and content creator. Think of it as your all-purpose Gal Friday. It can create a healthy high-protein chicken recipe; answer complex math problems; write or debug code; compose sales pitches for a new product; create a blog post about new makeup application techniques; write a fictional story; or translate languages.

Users ask the program to perform a task in a text field, then it generates the relevant copy in another text box. Users can then customize the content to be more specific to their needs. ChatGPT can alter the tone of what it produces to be more casual, more technical, more professional—whatever voice you request. One of the major drawbacks to the program is that it currently only includes data up to 2021, but it is expected to update that soon. It’s not yet known how often data updates will take place.

How Could ChatGPT Disrupt Direct Selling?

One of the hottest topics surrounding ChatGPT is predicting the industries and jobs that the technology could enhance, disrupt or even replace entirely. In an article for, Jeetu Patel, EVP of security and collaboration at Cisco, said “All professions have the potential to be disrupted by ChatGPT, presenting both opportunity and risk…We need to be very careful about the downsides, ranging from the need to address IP ownership, the rights of original content owners, the people behind generative AI-driven content and more.”

For direct sales, here are a few key potential applications:

1/ Write marketing copy

ChatGPT can generate sales scripts and various forms of marketing copy. This could be useful for different stages of a direct sales funnel including invitations, follow-ups and asking for a decision. It can also edit copy to be more concise or change the tone to be more inviting or conversational. For more general applications, it could be used to write emails; help with SEO ideas; generate online product descriptions and script presentations.

2/ Draft legal documents

The dynamic between corporate compliance and distributors is certainly unique to our industry. While ChatGPT might not be a direct sales expert (at least not yet), it can help write boilerplate legal language surrounding health and income claims that could be utilized by the field.

“There are parts of a legal document that humans need to adapt to a particular situation, but 90 percent of the document is copy pasted,” Professor Oded Netzer of Columbia Business School said. “There is no reason why we would not have the machine write these kinds of legal documents. You may need to explain first in English the parameters, then the machine should be able to write it very well. The less creative you need to be, the more it should be replaced.”

3/ Analyze customer data

Understanding what your customers want and determining patterns in their buying behavior can help shape product development, marketing strategies and forecast sales projections. ChatGPT can help with each of these. The program can analyze customer feedback and reviews; predict future customer behavior; group customers into segments; and analyze customer interactions such as chats and comments.

While the effects of ChatGPT and other similar language models are still forming, one thing is for sure: the program will keep improving—and up-to-date data will continue to be added. At the moment, it’s being treated as a content creation playground—try it out to see how it could best work for you and your team.

ChatGPT Speaks!

We asked ChatGPT to write five conversational-style scripts for a home business owner to invite someone to try samples of a product that helps with focus and mental clarity. The scripts were based around personalization, benefits, problem-solving, testimonials and urgency. Here’s what it generated:

Ai Text Classifier software webpage seen on smartphone screen
Script 1 / Personal Introduction

“Hi [Name], my name is [Your Name], and I am the owner of [Business Name]. I came across a product that I believe can help you with focus and mental clarity, and I would love for you to try it. It’s a cognitive boost product that has helped me personally, and I know it can do the same for you. Would you be interested in trying a sample?”

Script 2 / Benefits Focused

“Hello [Name], I wanted to reach out to you because I have a product that can improve your focus and mental clarity, which is especially important in today’s fast-paced world. The cognitive boost product I am talking about has helped me and many others boost their productivity and overall well-being. Would you be open to trying a sample? I think you’ll love it.”

Script 3 / Problem/Solution

“Hey [Name], have you ever felt like you just can’t seem to focus or concentrate on anything for long periods of time? I know I have. That’s why I was thrilled to discover a cognitive boost product that has changed my life. It helps with focus and mental clarity, and I would love for you to try it. Would you be interested in a sample?”

Script 4 / Testimonials

“Hi [Name], I wanted to reach out to you and share something that has had a big impact on my life. I recently started using a cognitive boost product that has helped me with focus and mental clarity, and I’ve received great feedback from others who have tried it as well. I think you’ll love it—would you like to try a sample?”

Script 5 / Urgency

“Hello [Name], I have a limited number of samples for a cognitive boost product that I think will make a big difference in your life. It helps with focus and mental clarity, and I have seen incredible results in a short amount of time. I would love for you to try it before the samples run out. Are you available to try a sample this week?”

From the April 2023 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post ChatGPT is Here first appeared on Direct Selling News.
